Beautiful Winter Landscape

No matter the season, moving can be a tough chore — physically, mentally, and emotionally. There are things you can do to ensure your experience isn’t overwhelming, especially during the already harsher winter months. Here, we offer four hints to help you move this winter…  

Hint #1 — Nothing to Fear but Fear Itself

Ice in the Winter

Odds are, if you’re moving during the winter months, you likely didn’t have much choice in the matter. Maybe you were offered a better job, need to move closer to family, or experienced some other life change that required a relocation. Whatever the reason, most folks don’t choose on their own to pack up and move during the winter.

In fact, summer is the most popular time to make a move, which means winter moves present an unique opportunity for you to secure winter rates and special seasonal deals. Take advantage of these, along with greater schedule flexibility from your moving company.

Hint #2 — You Planned, then Life Happened

Tracks in Winter Snow

By “life”, we’re really talking weather and the dreaded Daylight Saving Time (DST), which gives us shorter days as far as sunlight goes. It’s important you plan for this and avoid scheduling moving activities past late afternoon. Snowstorms and blizzards will also have final say in when exactly your move will take place. A good rule of thumb is to always have a backup plan.

Hint #3 — Safety First, From Point A to B

Toasty Mug

There’s nothing like a nasty slip and fall on the ice to make a move more complicated. You need to make every effort to ensure that pathways, walkways, and driveways are completely clear of ice and snow before you or your movers start transporting your belongings from your home to the moving truck. Doing so will help the job get done safely and effectively.

Hint #4 — For the Love of Your Floors

Beautiful Winter Landscape

Covering the floors in your new home is critical to keep them from incurring damage from snow, ice, salt, and anything else that moving feet will traipse in while carrying your boxes. Before you or your movers enter the new space, take the time to lay down protective floor mats — even plastic sheets will do, in order to provide a barrier against the elements.

Ready to brave your winter move? At Central Lakes Region Movers, we’ve got your back and will make the job as simple, safe, and successful as possible. Contact us today to get started!

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One thought on “Four Hints to Help You Move this Winter”

  1. Wow, I’d never realized that moving in the winter could get special rates or deals. We’re thinking of moving homes this coming winter. If we do, I think we’ll hire a residential moving company.

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