Snow Thrower

Though moving in winter isn’t preferable for most New Englanders, we can’t always help when we have to move. A snowy transition doesn’t have to be a disaster, however, and there are some advantages to moving during the cold weather. The middle of winter is considered off-season for most moving companies, which can sometimes lead to lower rates and less competition for moving dates with other customers. Rental vehicles also tend to be cheaper, and the holidays make for an excess of cardboard boxes you can claim for your local retail stores.

Still, there are plenty of hurdles and considerations to keep in mind while planning a winter move. There are the holidays to work around, along with inclement weather and packing. Check out these helpful tips for a safe, well-planned move.

  1. Prepare Ahead of Timecheck list

Before you even begin packing, there are a bunch of small preparations to make before you throw yourself into your move. You’ll want to consider hiring good New England movers who know how to transport items safely in winter, like Central Lakes Region Movers. They’ll be able to answer any questions and can help you to plan the best course of action for your particular situation. You’ll also want to look up information like plow schedules for your new location, make sure your utilities for your new place are turned on, and service your car so that it’s winter-ready.

  1. Get an Early Start

With the sun setting as early as 4:00 in the afternoon, it’s important to try to get as much done as possible during what daylight we have. It’s a lot easier to pack boxes and carry things out to cars while you can see, and avoid the risk of slipping on any wayward patches of ice or snow.

  1. Keep Walkways Clear and Ice-Free
shoveling snow
Courtesy of Devon Hollohan @ Flickr

This is a safety essential for moving in winter. Carrying boxes and furniture in and out is already tricky business without having to worry about tromping through snow or over slippery ice. Make certain that you have made preparations for cleared parking spaces and walkways at both homes, so that there’s minimal risk falling or accidentally dropping something.

  1. Be Careful with Possessions and the Cold

Items that are already delicate can become even more so in the cold. It’s worth taking the extra time to double-pack fragile items in materials like bubble wrap, newspaper, and towels, to help keep them both insulated and safe from jostling. Be aware that any items that might be damaged by the cold, like electronics, should wind up in your nice, warm car rather than the cold moving truck. House plants in particular can have a tough time of a cold-weather move. Read up on how to safely move your houseplants here.

  1. Snowy DogConsider Boarding Your Pets

Moving with pets can be difficult to begin with, but winter can bring added risks. With so many opening and closing doors, people carrying heavy objects in and out, and the overall stress a move can cause on a pet, the last thing you want is for your pet to make a break for it out into the cold. Animals are resilient, but New Hampshire winters can drop well into the negatives–unlivable temperatures for just about any creature caught without shelter. Play it safe by boarding your animal until the move is over.

We know moving in winter can be stressful, but hopefully these tips have helped to arm you against the unpredictable New England weather. Keep an eye out for more great winter moving tips next time!

Do you have a story about moving during the cold months? Share in the comments below!

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2 thoughts on “Tips for Moving in Winter, pt. 1”

  1. I think what you said about preparing ahead of time is really smart. When we were moving when I was little I questioned my mom about why she was putting things in boxes so early and she said its because she does not want to be stressed during the move. Just like you mentioned also, hiring movers can really make a difference and take that load off of your shoulders making it completely stress-free. Thanks again!

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