Postal Letter

Is it time for your big move already? If you’re moving from a home to an apartment, vice versa, or anywhere else, you’re going to want to do these three essential things to make sure that you’re totally prepared.

1. Change your address

Postal Letter

With lots of things being delivered via email nowadays, you may forget about the postal service and your mail. Lots of really vitally important things get sent via mail such as license renewals and other reminders, so make sure that you change your address before you move (or start getting your mail forwarded). We’ve got a guide to help you make sure you change your address with everyone that needs it. You can check that out here.

2. Check your insurance


When you move, you might not be thinking much about insurance. However, homeowner’s insurance, renter’s insurance, and car insurance are all important and they can change. Car insurance can increase or decrease depending on the area you are moving to. Home insurance is going to vary as well, and you will want to make sure that you’re covered before you have people over — especially if they’re helping you move. Homeowner’s insurance can help if someone gets injured on your property, so make sure you’re prepared!

3. Switch your utilities

Electric Pole

You might want to save this for the day that you move, or maybe if you can live without a couple of utilities, you’ll want to do it a couple of days beforehand so you can focus on the move. Don’t forget to switch telephone and internet over, as well as electric or water (depending, of course, everyone is different). If you’re moving to a new area further from your old one and you have oil or gas, you may want to start shopping around for servicers who can fill your tank when you get low, too. Don’t be afraid to ask community groups and pages for their experiences! Most people are not shy to share.

Got some before-you-move tips? Share with us in the comments below!

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