New Home Keys

It’s hard to imagine bringing order to a messy process like moving. Taking a few steps to get yourself organized ahead of move-out day will minimize stress, making relocation that much more relaxing. Move-out day needn’t be manic if you’ve done some prep ahead of time. Remember, the best offense is a strong defense. In this case, planning is the key to tackling your move.

Get a Jump on Things

Your move-out date is always closer than you think. That’s why it’s crucial to start decluttering, weeding, organizing, and putting aside what you plan to pack sooner than later. As the saying goes, haste makes waste, and you don’t want to find yourself unpacking at your new home, wondering all the while why you kept this or that. Sort through what’s in front of you and get rid of what you don’t need or no longer want by donating, selling, recycling or simply throwing away. As soon as you’ve made sense of your current surroundings, you can start planning and packing for your new one.

Stock Up on Supplies

Once as you start packing, you won’t want to stop mid-stream because you ran out of tape, bubble wrap, or even boxes. Evaluate what you intend to pack and purchase enough materials to get the job done. Make sure you have scissors, extra packing paper, like tissue or newspaper, and thick markers for clear labeling.

Divide and Conquer

Moving room by room, set aside the essential items you’ll need on the other end while you wait for the rest of your things to be delivered and/or unpacked by your moving company. Once you’ve established what items will go in your “open-first” or “first-night” box, start packing the rest.

Leaving yourself plenty of time before you need to load those boxes into a moving truck will allow you to pack more efficiently. It’s always the little spaces, like the kitchen junk drawer, that make the process of packing feel like a drag. Leave time to sort and save or throw away so that you’re not dumping entire drawers or sweeping shelves into a box in a rush.

Label Carefully and Clearly

Packing properly now will pay off once you’re settling into your new home. Labeling each box carefully and clearly will help you make sense of your new surroundings that much faster. And don’t just label by room; add some details that will help you identify what’s inside each box without having to needlessly tear into it before you’re ready. So, for example, beneath the word “Kitchen,” consider writing “cookbooks above stove,” or some other descriptor that will help you connect where these items were with where they should go now.

Making these early efforts will ensure a more effective, fuss-free move from start to finish.

Need help moving out? Contact us today to get started!

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