Reduce your moving stress with these helpful tips!
Moving in together can be stressful. Learn how to make the transition easier!

In honor of Valentine’s Day, we’re taking a look at the process of moving in together with your significant other. It’s a big decision! Aside from choosing to make the move in the first place, you’ve likely looked at finances, rent, and locations, on top of mentally preparing yourselves to share a space with each other for the foreseeable future. That’s a lot!

Unfortunately, you’re not done yet. There’s still the big move itself, which can be just as complicated as those initial first steps. Here are some tips to help make moving in together as smooth and stress-free as possible:

Take Stock of What You Both Have

Whether one is moving in with the other, or you’ve both decided to find a new place together, you have to consider what you both have in terms of possessions, and what’s going to fit in the space you’re moving into. Furniture, clothes, trinkets, all of it needs to be evaluated for best fit. Consider what duplicates you might have between you, and of those duplicates, what is newest, has the best features, and the least amount of wear. The last thing you want to do is bring over too many things and then have to deal with getting rid of it all, while swimming in a mess of boxes and moving debris!

Make a Moving Plan

If the space is available to you, try mapping out where you want to put things in your new home. Try to visualize how the things you own would look in certain places. If you’re moving in together with someone else, or someone is moving in with you, there may not be a big need for new furniture. If that’s the case, you might consider hiring a service like CLR Movers, who offers small hauls for single, large furniture items, like a couch or mattresses.

Measurements Are Your Friend

While considering how you want to plan out your home’s new layout, make sure you have taken proper measurements of the available space, and the furniture you’re thinking of placing there. If there’s just no room for it, it’s easier to let that item go.

Communication, Consideration, and Compromise

Whatever your situation, the biggest key to successfully moving in together is to have an open dialogue of what you want to keep or get rid of, and to be willing to compromise. Sometimes the emotional value of an item outweighs its actual worth, and can cause a negative reaction when one partner suggests getting rid of a treasured possession. Be mindful of each other’s emotions, and allow each other the chance to explain a stance on a contested item before making any final decisions.


Moving in together is certainly fraught with difficulties, but take a deep breath, and remember that you’re embarking a new adventure. There are bound to be some bumps along the way, but if you keep calm and work together, you’ll make it through.

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